Global Emergency Care’s Published Manuscripts (as of October 31, 2019)
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Brian Rice, Ashley Pickering, Colleen Laurence, Prisca Mary Kizito, Rebecca Leff, Steven Jonathan Kisingiri, Charles Ndyamwijuka, Serena Nakato, Lema Felix Adriko, Mark Bisanzo; Global Emergency Care Investigator Group; Global Emergency Care Collaborative Investigators. Emergency medicine physician supervision and mortality among patients receiving care from non-physician clinicians in a task-sharing model of emergency care in rural Uganda: a retrospective analysis of a single-centre training programme. BMJ Open 2022 Jun 29;12(6):e059859. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059859.
Hani Mowafi, Brian Rice, Rashida Nambaziira, Gloria Nirere, Robert Wongoda, Matthew James, Gecc Writing Group, Mark Bisanzo, Lori Post. Household economic impact of road traffic injury versus routine emergencies in a low-income country. Injury. 2021 Sep;52(9):2657-2664. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2021.06.007. Epub 2021 Jun 20.
Brian Rice, Joseph Leanza, Hani Mowafi, Nicholas Thadeus Kamara, Edgar Mugema Mulogo, Mark Bisanzo, Kian Nikam, Hilary Kizza, Jennifer A Newberry, Matthew Strehlow; Global Emergency Care Investigator Group; Michael Kohn. Defining High-risk Emergency Chief Complaints: Data-driven Triage for Low- and Middle-income Countries. Acad Emerg Med. 2020 Dec;27(12):1291-1301. doi: 10.1111/acem.14013. Epub 2020 Jun 18.
Brandon C Ku, Mark R Zonfrillo, Usha Periyanayagam, Mark Bisanzo, Brian Rice, Samuel Maling, Keri A Cohn. The Association of Malnutrition and Disease Conditions in Mortality of Pediatric Patients Presenting to a Rural Emergency Department in Uganda. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2021 Dec 1;37(12):e1515-e1520. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002102.
Benjamin Terry, David L Polan, Rashidah Nambaziira, Julius Mugisha, Mark Bisanzo, Romolo Gaspari. Rapid, remote education for point-of-care ultrasound among non-physician emergency care providers in a resource limited setting. Afr J Emerg Med. 2019 Sep;9(3):140-144. doi: 10.1016/j.afjem.2019.05.004. Epub 2019 Jul 8.
Mariel Colella, Mark Bisanzo, Carey Farquhar, Rashidah Nambaziira, Elizabeth Carter, Sarah Gimbel, Gabrielle O’Malley. Implementation and evaluation of an innovative leadership and teacher training program for non-physician emergency medicine practitioners in Uganda. Afr J Emerg Med. 2019 Mar;9(1):25-29. doi: 10.1016/j.afjem.2018.12.002. Epub 2019 Feb 6.
Colella M, Bisanzo M, Farquhar C, Nambaziira R, Carter C, Gimbel S, O’Malley, G. Implementation and evaluation of an innovative leadership and teacher training program for non-physician emergency medicine practitioners in Uganda. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. March 2019, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 25-29
Rice BT, Bisanzo M, Maling S, Joseph R, Mowafi H. Derivation and validation of a chief complaint shortlist for unscheduled acute and emergency care in Uganda. BMJ Open 2018; 8: e020188.
Bitter C, Rice B, Periyanayagam U, Dreifuss B, Hammerstedt H, Nelson S, Bisanzo, M, Maling S, Chamberlain S. What resources are used in emergency departments in rural sub-Saharan Africa? A retrospective analysis of patient care in a district-level hospital in Uganda. BMJ Open
2018 February 27; 8:e019024. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019024
Dissanayake V, Dalka E, Koh C, Bisanzo M, Brandt R, Erickson T, Chamberlain S. A Pilot Study on the Management and Outcomes of Self-Poisoning in a Rural Ugandan Emergency Department. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. Available online 19 Jan 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.afjem.2017.11.002
Boyle KL, Periyanayagam U, Babu KM, Rice BT, Bisanzo M. Pediatric Poisonings in a Rural Ugandan Emergency Department. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2017 October 9 DOI: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001265.
Chanler-Berat J, Birungi A, Dreifuss B, Mbiine R, Typhoid intestinal perforation: Point-of-care ultrasound as a diagnostic tool in a rural Ugandan Hospital. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016 March. Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 44–46.
Rice B, Periyanayagam U, Chamberlain S, Dreifuss B, Hammerstedt H, Nelson S, Maling S, Bisanzo, M. Mortality in Children Under Five Receiving Nonphysician Clinician Emergency Care in Uganda. Pediatrics. 2016 March
Stolz L, Muruganandan K, Bisanzo M, Sebikali M, Dreifuss B, Hammerstedt H, Nelson S, Nayabale I, Adhikari S, Shah S. Point-of-care ultrasound education for non-physician clinicians in a resource-limited emergency department. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2015 April 14.DOI: 10.1111/tmi.12511
Chamberlain S, Stolz U, Dreifuss B, Nelson SW, Hammerstedt H, et al. (2015) Mortality Related to Acute Illness and Injury in Rural Uganda: Task Shifting to Improve Outcomes. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0122559. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122559
Hammerstedt H, Maling S, Kasyaba R, Dreifuss B, Chamberlain S, Nelson S, Bisanzo M, Ezati I. Addressing World Health Assembly Resolution 60.22- A Pilot Project to Create Access to Acute Care Services in Uganda. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2014 November.
Bisanz, M. The Frontline of Emergency Cardiac Care in Africa. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014 August. Vol. 4, Issue 3, p102–103.
Bisanzo, M. Ujuzi Practical Pearl. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012 December; 2:4.
Terry B, Bisanzo M, McNamara M, Dreifuss B, Chamberlain S, Nelson S, Tiemeier K, Waters T, Hammerstedt H. Task shifting: Meeting the human resources needs for acute and emergency care in Africa. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012 December; 2:4.
Periyanayagam U, Dreifuss B, Hammerstedt H, Chamberlain S, Nelson S, Bosco K, Pellone K, Bisanzo M. Acute care needs in a rural Sub-Saharan African Emergency Centre: A retrospective analysis. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012 December; 2:4.
Bisanzo M, Nichols K, Hammerstedt H, Dreifuss B, Nelson S, Chamberlain S, Kyomugisha F, Noble A, Arthur A, Thomas S. Nurse-Administered Ketamine Sedation in an Emergency Department in Rural Uganda. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2012 Apr;59(4):268-75
Hammerstedt H, Chamberlain S, Nelson S, Bisanzo M. Alcohol-related hypoglycemia in rural Uganda: socioeconomic and physiologic contrasts. Int J Emerg Med. 2011 Feb 10; 4:5.
Ashley Pickering, James Dunleavy, Heather Dreifuss, Carol Howe, Bradley Dreifuss. Building It So They Will Come: Factors Contributing to Delays in Seeking Available Emergency Medical Care in Rural Uganda – A Systematic Literature Review. Oral Presentation, African Federation of Emergency Medicine Conference, November 2018, Kigali, Rwanda.
Ashley Pickering, Ndyamwijuka Charles, Kusasira Adrine, Heather Dreifuss, Heather Hammerstedt, Mbabane Nelly, Mark Nichter, Bradley Dreifuss. Building It So They Will Come: Factors Contributing to Delays in Seeking Available Emergency Medical Care in Rural Uganda – ED Patient Case Studies. Oral Presentation, African Federation of Emergency Medicine Conference, November 2018, Kigali, Rwanda.
Ashley Pickering, Ndyamwijuka Charles, Kusasira Adrine, Heather Dreifuss, Heather Hammerstedt, Niwagaba Benifer, Mark Nichter, Bradley Dreifuss. Building It So They Will Come: Factors Contributing to Delays in Seeking Available Emergency Medical Care in Rural Uganda – Community Focus Groups. Oral Presentation, African Federation of Emergency Medicine Conference, November 2018, Kigali, Rwanda.
Harding, S; Biary, R; Hoffman, R; Maling, S; Bisanzo, M; Chamberlain, Stacey; Dreifuss, B; Hammerstedt, H; Langevin, M; Nelson, S; Periyanayagam, U; Rice, B. Epidemiology Of Acute Poisoning In Uganda: An 8-Year Analysis [Meeting Abstract] Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia). 2018; 56(6):521-521
Harding SA, Biary R, Hoffman R, Global Emergency Care Investigator Group, Rice BT. Epidemiology of acute poisoning in Uganda: An 8-year analysis. Poster, European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, May 2018, Bucharest, Romania.
Wells K, Murphy J, Chamberlain S, Rice BT. Gender disparities in injury outcomes – increased mortality in children under 5 in Uganda. Poster, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, May 2018, Indianapolis, IN.
Ku B, Zonfrillo M, Periyanayagam U, Bisanzo M, Rice BT, Maling S, Cohn K. Role of malnutrition and disease processes in mortality of pediatric patients presenting to a rural emergency department in Uganda. Poster, Society for Pediatric Research/Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, May 2018, Toronto, Canada.
Pickering A, Ndyamwijuka C, Dreifuss H, Kusasira A, Hammerstedt H, Mbabazi N, Nichter M, Dreifuss B. Building It So They Will Come: Factors Contributing to Delays in Seeking Available Emergency Medical Care in Rural Uganda. Poster, Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference, March 2018, New York, NY.
Pickering A, Ndyamwijuka C, Dreifuss H, Kusasira A, Hammerstedt H, Mbabazi N, Nichter M, Dreifuss B. Building It So They Will Come: Factors Contributing to Delays in Seeking Available Emergency Medical Care in Rural Uganda. Academic Emergency Medicine, Volume25, IssueS1
Special Issue: 2018 Annual Meeting Supplement. May, 2018. Page S133.
Resources Used to Care for Patients at a Rural ED in Uganda. Bitter C, Rice B, Periyanayagam U, Dreifuss B, Hammerstedt H, Nelson SW, Bisanzo M, Maling S, Chamberlain S. Poster presentation for the International Conference of Emergency Medicine. April 2016. Cape Town, South Africa
Management of Acute Surgical Patients by Non-Physician Emergency Care Practitioners in Rural Uganda. Dreifuss B. Presentation for Global Partners in Anesthesia and Surgery. September 2015.
Community Barriers to Emergency Care Utilization in Rural Uganda: Review of Current Literature and Proposed Research. Pickering A, Hammerstedt H. Dreifuss H., Dreifuss B. Poster presentation: 7th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. April 2016. San Francisco, CA
Pediatric Exposures in a Rural Ugandan Emergency Department. Boyle KL, Periyanayagam U, Babu KM, Rice BT, Bisanzo M. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting. May 2015. San Diego, CA
72-hour Patient Follow-Up as a Metric for Measuring Outcomes and Quality of Emergency Care Provided in Resource-Limited Settings: Outcomes study from a rural Ugandan district hospital Emergency Department. Dreifuss B, Periyanayagam U, Chamberlain S, Nelson SW, Hammerstedt H, Kamugisha JB, Bisanzo M. Oral Presentation. 19th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine. April 2015. Cape Town, South Africa
72hr Patient Follow-Up as a Metric for Measuring Outcomes and Quality of Emergency Care Provided in Resource-Limited Settings: Outcomes study from a rural Ugandan district hospital Emergency Department. Dreifuss B, Periyanayagam U, Chamberlain S, Nelson SW, Hammerstedt H, Kamugisha JB, Bisanzo M. Poster Presentation. Sixth Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. March 2015. Boston, MA
Emergency Care’s Role in Public Health: A Health System Strengthening Intervention. Dreifuss B. Oral Presentation. African Conference of Emergency Medicine. November 2014. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Developing a Limited Resource, High Impact Simulation Curriculum in Rural Uganda. Langevin M, Grover E, Hammerstedt H, Bisanzo M, Dreifuss B, Kizza H. Poster Presentation. African Conference of Emergency Medicine. November 2014. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ketamine use in a resource-limited setting: Continued Safety in a Maturing African Non-physician Clinician System. Bisanzo M, Tobias K, Brandt R, Kyomugisha F, Arthur A, Thomas S. Oral Presentation. American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Meeting. October 2014. Chicago, IL
Rapid Internet Based Review of Point of Care Ultrasound Studies at a Remote Hospital in Uganda. Polan DL, Terry B, Sebikali MJ, Gaspari R, Bisanzo M. 25th Annual Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting. May 2014. Dallas, TX
HIV Prevalence and Testing among Emergency Department Patients at a Rural District Hospital in Uganda. Abrass A, Kiire T, Dreifuss B, Bisanzo M. Oral Presentation. 25th Annual Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Conference. May 2014. Dallas, TX
Training Emergency Care Practitioners and Creating Access to Acute Care Services in Uganda: Pilot Phase. Nelson S, Stolz U, Dreifuss B, Chamberlain S, Hammerstedt H, Birungi A, Bisanzo M. Oral Presentation. 25th Annual Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Conference. May 2014. Dallas, TX
Rapid Internet Based Review of Point of Care Ultrasound Studies at a Remote Hospital in Uganda. Polan DL, Terry B, Islam R, Sebikali MJ, Gaspari R, Bisanzo M. Fifth Annual CUGH Conference. May 2014. Washington, DC
Point-of-Care Ultrasound Training for Non-Physician Emergency Care Practitioners in Rural Uganda. Stolz L, Kizza H, Dreifuss B, Bisanzo M, Nelson S, Nayabale I, Shah S, Muruganandan K; Oral Presentation. 5th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. May 2014. Washington, DC
The Effect of Geography and Demography on Outcomes of Emergency Department Patients in Rural Uganda. Tiemeier K, Bisanzo M, Dreifuss BA, Ward KC. Poster Presentation. 5th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. May 2014. Washington, DC
Training Emergency Care Practitioners and Creating Access to Acute Care Services in Uganda: Pilot Phase. Nelson S, Stolz U, Dreifuss B, Chamberlain S, Hammerstedt H, Birungi A, Bisanzo M. Poster Presentation. 5th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. May 2014. Washington, DC
Tools to Support Development of Simulation Programs in Limited-resource Settings. Grover E, Langevin M, Curtin A, Moro-Sutherland D, Yule S, Bisanzo M, Pozner C. Sixth International Pediatric Simulation Symposia. April 2014. Vienna, Austria
Developing a Limited Resource, High Impact Simulation curriculum in Rural Uganda. Langevin M, Grover E, Bisanzo M, Dreifuss B, Tiemeier K, Hammerstedt H. Oral Presentation. 6th International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshop. April 2014. Vienna, Austria
Contextualization of the Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization (PEARS) course for Karoli Lwanga Hospital’s Emergency Care Practitioners in Rukungiri, Uganda. Grover E, Meaney P, Berg M, Bisanzo M, Dreifuss B. Poster Presentation. University of Arizona Global Health Forum Annual Conference. March 2014. Tucson, Arizona
Point-of-Care Ultrasound Training of Midlevel Practitioners in Rural Uganda Including a Novel Tele-Review Methodology. Terry B, Bisanzo M, Polan D, Gaspari R. New England Regional Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Meeting. March 2014. New Haven, CT
Mortality for Patients Treated By Mid-level Emergency Care Practitioners using a Task Shifting Model in Rural Uganda. Chamberlain S, Stolz U, Dreifuss B, Nelson SW, Hammerstedt H, Twinomujuni R, Bisanzo M. Towards Unity for Health Conference. November 2013. Ayutthaya, Thailand
HIV Prevalence and Testing in Emergency Department Patients in Rural Uganda. Abrass A, Kiire T, Dreiffuss B, Bisanzo M. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. Oral Presentation. November 2013. Cape Town, South Africa
Emergency Medicine Task-Shifting: Quick DASH Outcomes for Upper Extremity Injury Management. Frank DS, Dunleavy K, Nambaziira R, Nayebare I, Dreifuss B, Bisanzo M. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2013. Cape Town, South Africa
Mortality for Patients Treated By Midlevel Emergency Care Practitioners using a Task Shifting Model in Rural Uganda. Chamberlain S, Stolz U, Dreifuss B, Nelson SW, Hammerstedt H, Twinomujuni R, Bisanzo M. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2013. Cape Town, South Africa
Training Emergency Care Practitioner and Creating Access to Acute Services in Uganda: The Pilot Phase. Nelson SW, Stolz U, Dreifuss B, Chamberlain S, Hammerstedt H, Alfunsi B, Bisanzo M. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2013. Cape Town, South Africa
Point-of-Care Ultrasound Training for Non-Physician Emergency Care Practitioners in Rural Uganda. Stolz L, Hilary K, Dreifuss B, Bisanzo M, Nelson SW, Nayabale I, Shah S, Muruganandan K. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2013. Cape Town, South Africa
Emergency Department Follow-up at 72 Hours in a Rural Ugandan District Hospital. Dreifuss B, Stolz U, Chamberlain S, Nelson SW, Hammerstedt H, Kamugisha JB, Bisanzo M. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. Oral Presentation. November 2013. Cape Town, South Africa
Emergency Medicine: Health System Strengthening & A Public Health Intervention. Dreifuss B. Invited Lecture. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2013. Cape Town, South Africa
The Effect of Geography and Demography on Outcomes of Emergency Department Patients in Rural Uganda. Tiemeier K, Bisanzo M, Dreifuss B, Ward KC. Poster Presentation. American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly. October 2013. Seattle, WA
Emergency Care in Uganda: current state and Global Emergency Care Collaborative. Dreifuss B. Invited Plenary Lecture. Developing Emergency Medicine Conference. September 2013. Havana, Cuba
Feasibility of Emergency Care in Rural Uganda: A Pilot Study. Periyanayagam U, Dreifuss B, Hammerstedt H, Chamberlain S, Nelson SW, Kamugisha JB, Bisanzo, M. The African Conference on Emergency Medicine. October 2012. Accra, Ghana
Emergency Care Training Needs in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Pilot Study from Rural Uganda. Periyanayagam U, Bisanzo M, Chamberlain S, Hammerstedt H, Nelson SW, Pellone K, Dreifuss B. Poster Presentation. The African Conference on Emergency Medicine. October 2012. Accra, Ghana
Feasibility of Three Day Follow up for Emergency Department Patients in Rural Uganda. O’Connor J, Noble A, Kiire T, Nelson SW, Bisanzo M. International Conference on Emergency Medicine. June 2012. Dublin, Ireland
Feasibility of Emergency Care in Rural Uganda: A Pilot Study. Periyanayagam U, Dreifuss B, Hammerstedt H, Chamberlain S, Nelson SW, Kamugisha JB, Bisanzo M. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting. Oral Presentation. May 2012. Chicago, IL
Emergency Care Training Needs in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: A Pilot Study from Rural Uganda. Periyanayagam U, Bisanzo M, Chamberlain S, Hammerstedt H, Nelson SW, Kamugisha JB, Koshaba P, Dreifuss B. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting. May 2012. Chicago, IL
Emergency Department Based Injury Surveillance in Rural Uganda: A Feasibility Assessment. Dreifuss B, Bisanzo M, Hammerstedt H, Nelson SW, Chamberlain S. Extreme Affordability: University of Utah Center for Global Surgery 2012 Lecture Series. Poster Presentation. March 2012. Salt Lake City, Utah
Emergency Department Based Injury Surveillance in Rural Uganda. Dreifuss B, Bisanzo M, Nelson SW, Chamberlain S, Hammerstedt H. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Third Biennial Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2011. Cape Town, South Africa
Mock Oral Cases as a Training and Assessment Tool for Emergency Care Providers in a Rural Ugandan Emergency Department. Mumm P, Dreifuss B, Chamberlain S, Nelson SW, Hammerstedt H, Bisanzo M. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Third Biennial Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2011. Cape Town, South Africa
Data Collection in a Rural Ugandan Emergency Department: addressing Millennium Development Goals via Emergency Medicine. Dreifuss, B. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Third Biennial Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2011. Cape Town, South Africa
Nurse Directed Ketamine Procedural Sedation in Resource Limited Settings. Bisanzo M, Nichols K, Chamberlain S, Hammerstedt H, Dreifuss B, Nelson SW, Kyomugisha F, Noble A, Arthur A, Thomas S. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting. Oral Presentation. June 2011. Boston, MA
The Human Resource Crisis in Emergency Care: An Emergency Medicine Curriculum for Nurses (EMCN) in Rural Uganda. Bisanzo M, Hammerstedt H, Chamberlain S, Nelson S, Ahn R, Burke T. Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa: Emergency Medicine in the Developing World Conference. November 2009. Cape Town, South Africa