1. Where is GEC located? Where does GEC work?
GEC is a registered 501(c)3 organization in Shrewsbury, MA. GEC currently works in underserved communities in Uganda. In the past, we have worked in Cambodia and Kenya.
Our mailing address:
P.O Box 4404
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
2. How is GEC funded?
GEC is funded through a combination of grants and donations. In 2016, GEC’s revenue was approximately 70% grants and 30% donations.
3. How can I support GEC?
There are many ways that you can support GEC:
a) Donate: GEC accepts financial donations from individuals and businesses. In addition, GEC is eligible for matching donations from any company that provides a match. Please ask your human resources department if your company has a matching donation program.
b) Crowdfunding: To celebrate a birthday or other special occasion, you could host a crowdfunding effort in order to raise money for GEC. We will support your efforts with language, photos, and anything else you may need. Please visit our Crowdrise page. Contact us for details: tom@globalemergencycare.org
c) Host a Fundraiser: We are lucky to have generous and dedicated supporters who have organized and hosted fundraisers for GEC. We will work together with you to maximize the efficiency and efficacy of your fundraiser. To host your very own fundraiser, please contact Tom at tom@globalemergencycare.org
d) Please contact our Operations Director for more information: tom@globalemergencycare.org
4. How can I get involved?
There are many ways to get involved with GEC. If you would like to volunteer, please complete the volunteer application. If you would like to get involved in other ways, please contact info@globalemergencycare.org.
5. What is the minimum time commitment to volunteer?
The minimum time commitment for a volunteer is 3 weeks on the ground in Uganda.
6. Are family members welcome to join a volunteer?
This is determined on a case by case basis. In the past, family members have traveled along to Uganda. Family members will not be allowed to work in the emergency department, but there are always various additional needs that GEC has that family members could support.
7. I’m a member of the press and would like to do a story on GEC.
Please contact info@globalemergencycare.org to make your inquiry.